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Friday 10 July 2020

Construction of bitumen waterproofing

As mentioned above due to the good adhesion of bitumen membranes, the reinforcement of the fiber layers and the appearance of sheets, the bitumen film is often used to waterproof large areas. with high temperature, friction, abrasion resistance and impact resistance such as: Waterproofing toilets, bathrooms, terraces, flat roofs, plants, basements, foundations, etc.

Prepare construction surface:

The surface must be hard, clean, dry and free from contamination
Create a flat surface, sealing gaps and holes by machine or by hand
Construction of hot torch type:
Spread the bitumen sheet onto the surface and apply as required and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Can be laminated ..
When applying, ensure that the correct surface has been marked
Dry the film, heat up the surface area of ​​the construction, then paste the dried film into this area, need to work quickly and evenly for the bitumen layer to stick very well (this is the most important part - the unprofessional can hardly do well)
Overcome bubbles bubbles by puncturing the membrane with a sharp knife. Although this hole will be self-sealed, during construction, it is recommended to avoid the above roof.
Construction for horizontal surface first. then vertical construction, Must overlap in accordance with the requirements of the material.
Dry paste waterproof membrane, warehouse
Material preservation:
To vertical avoid stamping
Store in a cool, dry area
Avoid exposure to rain, sunshine

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